Flatrock Bridge Group



Safety Isn’t Just Something We Talk About

At Flatrock Bridge Group, safety is embedded in our culture and evident in everything we do.  When it comes to safety on our job sites, if our team members SEE SOMETHING they have been trained on how critical it is to SAY SOMETHING and when necessary, also go the extra mile to DO SOMETHING. No excuses. We believe that safe team members create even safer job sites.

Our team performs their work every day with safety top of mind. From our daily Morning Huddle/Stretch and Flex, where we discuss specific safety concerns, to our focus on every team member taking responsibility not only for their own safety, but the safety of the entire team and the general public, we view safety as a value, not simply a priority.

As a company, we are also committed to ongoing Monthly Safety Trainings with our field team. In addition, we regularly schedule Safety Inspections at different bridge projects we’re working on so we can use these inspections as a learning experience for our entire team.